The 10 jobs that recruit the most in the IT field in 2021


Computing and artificial intelligence are sectors of the future. Companies are constantly adapting to new technologies in order to improve their performance. The recruitment of IT experts is therefore experiencing strong growth. A web design company in Pakistan has surveyed and reports tell, demand for mobile developers is expected to increase by 31% by 2026 according to Coding game, a developer recruiting start-up. Other professions are more and more coveted like back-end developer, front-end developer, business analyst, data scientist ... Here are the top 10 of the most sought-after tech professions in 2021, according to the study conducted by this start-up.

1. Full-stack developer

The full-stack developer (or "all-rounder") is a versatile computer scientist who adapts to the needs of the company for which he works. He masters all aspects of IT development from website creation to software design.

2. Back-end developer

The back-end developer is a specialized computer scientist, he particularly takes care of the web or mobile surface that is not accessible to users, the submerged part of the iceberg. This shadow programmer sets up and manages the database of a software or application, essential for their proper functioning.

3. DevOps Engineer

DevOps engineers (development and operations contraction) work on the server part of an IT infrastructure. This recent profession appeared with the emergence of the Cloud, which allows data to be stored remotely. Few schools train for this profession, which is why they will be very coveted in 2021. Their mission is to ensure the speed and efficiency of a web surface in order to obtain optimal performance.

4. Front-end developer

The front-end developer is complementary to the back-end developer. It takes care of the tip of the iceberg by governing the elements of a website or application that interact directly with users.

5. IT architect

The Architect is an expert who builds an IT structure from A to Z just like a house. From the foundations of a software to its evolutions, the architect designs every IT detail by identifying the company's needs. It is a difficult profession to recruit: several years of experience as an engineer or designer are necessary to access it. Architects are thus few in number despite the strong demand.

6. Mobile developer

According to our agency, 3.8 billion people will use a smartphone in 2021. Companies therefore tend to develop their mobile applications as much as possible, which, like web surfaces, have become essential. The mobile developer is a programmer who designs and programs codes for smartphone and tablet applications.

7. Data Scientist

Artificial intelligence is an increasingly popular sector for companies. Recruiters are looking for qualified data scientists to meet the demand for artificial intelligence products. They need data experts who can store, sort and manipulate them on a massive scale. It is a delicate mission because it is sensitive and massive data that can endanger a company.

8. Tester

The tester is a bug hunter. Its mission is to verify the efficiency of a software or application by tracking down any errors that may bother users. First, he evaluates the anomalies to produce a detailed report in order to resolve the failure.

9. Business Analyst

The business analyst works by collecting data from users of different websites, including those of competitors. He then analyzes them to identify which market to exploit in order to respond to current trends. Its role is both strategic and commercial. Recruiters need these profiles to cope with the rapidly changing needs and desires of their client in order to offer them products or services that best suit them.

10. Video game developer

The developer creates video games by programming software that generates code. He does not design the places and the characters but he governs all the movements and interactions of the latter. It also ensures that no anomalies interfere with the use of the game. The video game market has experienced very strong growth in recent years, it should reach 180 billion dollars by 2021 according to us.
