Car rental ideas. Car rental Business plan

Rent a car under a taxi is a very reliable and attractive niche today. So far, with flying boards, the attractiveness of the car-related business seems to be just growth.

In this article, let's talk about the tantrums of earnings about car delivery on lease or rental. Revenues with this approach begin to flow almost immediately after the start. It seems that just going to work in a taxi, only, in this case, is practically not necessary.

We describe what steps need to be taken to find the initial capital, and in a year, it will take over more than 100%. The article will provide answers to frequently asked questions and valuable advice by choosing a car.

The material will be helpful for those who are now in finding fresh, relatively safe, and reliable business models and full of energy and determination!

What does it mean to rent a car?

As it was already possible to guess, the essence of this business is in the delivery of cars for renting tastoparks.

Once we discuss the scheme without initial capital, we will immediately book, which also has a scheme with an initial overhaul. About 500 thousand will be enough. Therefore, in this case, the repayment period will be shorter, and the tasks related to loans and credits will be absent.

Conditionally, the business model for earning a car for renting a taxi can be described in the form of 4 steps:

·         Buy a car. Used, class "economy."

·         Register a motor vehicle in your name,

·         Car rental for rent.

·         Follow the car, maintain your technical condition, execute it, pay fines for violating traffic rules, update insurance, etc.

That's the whole business plan. From the third step, your investment project will start making money.

How Much Money Can You Make On This?

We draw approximate calculations. We will consider the option when the car is rented under a subsequent redemption. This trail has several advantages over easy rental. For example, a driver is much more careful about potentially for his car than completely someone else. But we will return to this.

The average rental period is three years. The driver can then buy the car at the remaining cost. Let the war, favorable as a driver and you.

We calculate the income from one car in three years when the lease followed the redemption.

Taxi Car Loan: How Profitable Is It?

It often happens that you have to start your work from scratch. And far from any business, it allows you to do that. However, the idea of ​​renting a car for rent is quite suitable for that. You can't spend a dime out of your pocket and buy a car, not one.

Do it really with credit tools. First, it is necessary to make a loan on approximately such terms:

·         Loan amount - 2,400,000 rubles

·         The interest rate on loan, for example, in VTB Bank - 15%

·         Term of crediting - 3 years.

How to take a car loan if you already have loans?

Loans are issued by banks as long as the payer has the opportunity to pay them. Find out at the bank what amount they can give you.

There is one secret. If you send orders to several banks simultaneously, you can make a reasonably large quantity. It can be at least ten banks. At a minimum, you will be granted a loan in half.

And it is possible. Banks do not have the opportunity to know that you immediately submit a statement to several other financial institutions. Because banks post information on bank loans in the National Bureau of Credit Stories database only after five days. Therefore, as soon as you approve the loan, you immediately get the money and buy a car.

How to get a 20% discount on a car?

The answer is simple - wholesale. Buying a car in a community for resale in installments is a suitable type of business itself. But because we are considering an option with a limited budget, because it is suitable for a scheme - an investment pool.

The essence of this approach is to combine several people to make mass car purchases. In our case, it will take 20 people, which will buy one vendor in one vehicle.

The discount for each car at the same time will be an additional 20% of the final price, which could have been sorted. Car sellers are willing to go for such transactions. It also applies to almost any wholesale business. The main thing here is a qualified financial plan we can help with within our webinar business rental business.

The car rental business is famous now a days if you want to do this then first you should use the rental car services, which will give you an idea. If you find the cheapest car rental company, Carlay car rental provides you the best opportunity to rent a car in Islamabad.
